Bevolution Group is heeding the call of duty in response to the coronavirus pandemic by adding a new product to our lineup of smoothie and cocktail mixers, enhanced waters, and more: hand sanitizers. The first batch of FDA-approved antibacterial is scheduled to be produced and shipped as early as mid-April. As a leading foodservice and specialty beverage manufacturer we are proud to be able to step-up and fill a national need, notes CEO Sam Lteif.

Bevolution Group is heeding the call of duty in response to the coronavirus pandemic by adding a new product to our lineup of smoothie and cocktail mixers, enhanced waters, and more: hand sanitizers. The first batch of FDA-approved antibacterial is scheduled to be produced and shipped as early as mid-April. As a leading foodservice and specialty beverage manufacturer we are proud to be able to step-up and fill a national need, notes CEO Sam Lteif.

According to the Organic Center, organic produce can provide “antioxidant levels up to 69% higher than conventionally grown produce.” Choosing premium ingredients and products, like organic, are a big deal, especially as the demand for better-for-you-beverages increases with millennials’ spending power. More importantly for operators: conscious consumers are willing to pay for the choice items […]

Celebrating our first year in business and so much more. When we launched the Bevolutionary name and logo on October 5, 2015, we also resolved to transform the very good Juice Tyme™ and Lemon-X® legacies into a single outstanding company. That meant integrating our efforts to make Bevolution Group a progressive work atmosphere and fortifying our […]

Bevolution Group is growing again. The latest additions to our deliciously diverse range come from Dr. Smoothie®, a leader in the specialty beverage category. Since 1997, when they introducing the first shelf stable fruit smoothie concentrate made with no artificial ingredients, the Dr. Smoothie brands have redefined the smoothie and cafe category several times. The […]

Introducing Bevolution Group’s new Refrasia™ line. What happens when two industry experts combine to form the new leader in the foodservice beverage category? The answer: Refrasia. Since Bevolution Group brought together industry favorites, Lemon-X® and Juice Tyme®, we’ve been busy integrating the two product portfolios. Now, we are rebranding most of them under the Refrasia […]

Looking for an extra serving of Bevolution Group? It’s as easy as checking Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn. That’s right, we’re now posting, tweeting, and hashtagging our: expert know-how company announcements product innovations industry news …and other juicy updates As a part of the service industry, we know the importance of good communication. It’s even a […]

We at Bevolution Group have a rich history and are committed to leading the foodservice beverage industry into the future. So, we created a brand statement that says it all for us: Bevolution Group is among the most diverse and creative foodservice beverage innovators. Small enough to be nimble, yet large enough to have scale, […]

In November 2015, we drafted industry superstar Tropics Mixology to be a part of Bevolution Group. Well-known throughout the restaurant and hospitality industries for the best quality, bold flavors, and bountiful variety, the portfolio of brands is perfectly aligned with our commitment to bring so much good to our partners. Tropics Mixology has become a […]